International Academic Publishing Company “Nauka”
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2002

TÍE SOLVER “Theoretical Mechanics” is the part of tutorial complexes TÍE SOLVER edited by professor A.I. Kirillov. It is designed for computer-based education and consists of this book and software package TÍE SOLVER TM.


This book contains

4 parts : STATICS, KINEMATICS and DYNAMICS and and SOLUTIONS in MAPLE V and 17 chapters:

  • Concurrent Force System in a Plane
  • General Case of Forces in a Plane
  • Equilibrium with Friction
  • Forces System in Space
  • Centre of Gravity
  • Kinematics of a Particle
  • Rotational Motion of a Rigid Body
  • Plane Motion of a Rigid Body
  • Resultant Motion of a Particle
  • Motion of a Rigid Body Having One Fixed Point
  • Particle Dynamics
  • Dynamics of a System
  • Analytical Dynamics
  • Vibration of a System
  • Solutions in Maple V (Statics)
  • Solutions in Maple V (Kinematics)
  • Solutions in Maple V (Dynamics)

The chapter divided into sections. Each section contains one basic problem with general formulation of the problem, a solution plan, a solution example and ten problems of the same kind. In the most cases the answers of the problem have not only final result but a intermediate results too. It is simplify to find possible error in the solution.
TÍE SOLVER “Theoretical Mechanics" contains new methodical results of the author and new problems and solutions.
Using TÍE SOLVER, the student can deeply understand how to solve the basic problems of Theoretical Mechanics because this book concentrate attention on the new and essential.
Tutorial complex is useful for tutors. One part of the software is the Problem-Generator, designed by author. Problem-Generator can produce variants of problems with text, figure and answers for test and control in LaTeX.
TÍE SOLVER "Theoretical Mechanics" can be used at colleges, technical universities, an for distant education. It enables the student to study independently.